LinkPreview API
Reliable link preview service for developers.

Used by thousands of developers all around the world:
Basic Example
API Request (GET):
curl "" -H "X-Linkpreview-Api-Key: 123456"
API Response (JSON):
{ "title":"Google", "description":"Search webpages, images, videos and more.", "image":"", "url":"" }
Scalable and cost-effective
Operational since 2014, serving millions of requests each day

We got what you need!
Link preview generator
Link previews have made their way into almost every social media app. Whenever a link contains news or YouTube video, it gets shared on various messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Telegram, the recipient can see the content of the link shared with them.
Furthermore, the recipient does not have to directly click on the link which naturally makes things easier for everyone because the users do not have to leave the app to view the content.
Preview without being blocked
We support many popular websites and content providers through our direct integrations. Our provider list includes Amazon, Youtube, Twitter, Wikipedia, Airbnb, The New York Times, The Guardian, Soundcloud, Ted Talks, Vimeo, Giphy, and many others.
We have built those custom integrations for you so you can focus on your own thing. Check our docs and add a link preview feature to your app or website today!
You can start with our Free Plan to see if this service can meet all your needs.
All paid plans will be activated automatically after the purchase. You can cancel at any time. Local taxes may apply.
Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.
*Rate limits per requested domain may apply to protect smaller websites (max 1 request / per second / per unique domain)
Direct integrations
We support many popular content providers and always keep our custom integrations up to date.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us using email.
Some sites return wrong or blank summary information?
Our service is based on well-known web page standards. Unfortunately, some webmasters do not follow best practices and therefore we cannot guarantee the correct response data for every URL.
Can I cancel at any time?
Absolutely! You can cancel at any time without restrictions. To cancel your subscription, sign in and go to your Profile where you’ll be able to cancel.
For some URLs response time is way too long
Our API response time depends on external websites that we cannot control. Some sites are simply slow and we must wait for them to load in order to get and process the data.
How the API rate is calculated?
The hourly counters for your API key reset on a rolling basis. Example for PRO Plan: If you made 500 requests at 10:15AM and 500 requests at 10:25AM, your API key would become temporarily blocked. This temporary block of your API key would cease at 11:15AM, at which point you could make 500 requests. At 11:25AM, you could then make another 500 requests.
Some websites are throwing 423 "Forbidden by robots.txt" error
Some websites do not allow 3rd party services to access their site and collect data. This is configured in their robots.txt file and that's why the error is thrown.
I am getting 4xx error on response
Please check our documentation for the exact error code reference and description here.